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Georgian Sports Medicine & Physiotherapy
Call 705-245-3330
Fax 705-986-0807
Located at Georgian Winds on Vindin @ 847 Vindin Street, Midland, Ontario
Our experts at Georgian Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy are able to assess, diagnose and provide treatment for any muscle/bone conditions. At our Midland, Ontario/Southern Georgian Bay and area location we are able to support you in treating the following conditions and more!

Pre & Post Surgery Conditions
Concussion Management
Our Sports Medicine Doctor, Physiotherapists, and Chiropractor are experts in return to sport concussion management
Elbow Pain
Tennis elbow
Nerve entrapment conditions
Golfers elbow
Elbow fractures
Biceps and other muscular or tendinopathies related to the elbow joint
Knee Injuries
All ligamentous injuries including ACL tears, Surgical interventions, MCL/LCL and PCL tears, meniscus tears
Patellar Femoral Pain Syndrome
Any sprains, strains involving the knee
Spinal Pain
Nerve root irritations
Nerve root entrapments
Degenerative disc disease
Disc herniations
Sprains and strains
Spinal stenosis
Hip replacements/ resurfacing
Knee replacements (partial and total)
Total shoulder replacements
Rotator cuff repair surgeries
Anthroscopy surgeries on any joint
Heel Pain
Achilles tendonitis
Achilles full/partial thickness tears
Calf muscular strains
Nerve entrapments
Retrocalcaneal bursopathies
Hip and Low Back Pain
Total hip replacements
Hip resurfacing surgeries
Labral tears
Pseudo sciatica
Strains and sprains
Greater trochanteric bursitis
Iliopsoas bursitis
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Frozen shoulder
Bicep and rotator cuff tears
Chronic and acute shoulder pain
Shoulder impingement
Biceps tendonitis
Hand/Wrist Pain
De Quervains tendonitis
TFCC sprains
Repetitive wrist injuries
Any acute or chronic wrist injury
Any post operative wrist repair (carpal tunnel release included)
Foot Pain
Planter fasciitis
Tibialis posterior & peroneal longus/Brevis tenosynovitis
Ankle and/or foot pain
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