Georgian Sports Medicine & Physiotherapy
Call 705-245-3330
Located at Georgian Winds on Vindin @ 847 Vindin Street, Midland, Ontario
What is Sports Medicine?
Sports Medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with helping patients get and stay active. Of course we see elite athletes but we also provide care for pregnant women, child athletes, weekend warriors, regular exercisers and people who have been sedentary but who would like to become more active. We deal with acute musculoskeletal (muscle, bone and soft tissue) injury, monitoring those active patients with chronic disease and deal with patients who feel pain with activity.
Our expert Dr. Andrea Jones is able to diagnose and manage your injury, facilitate appropriate referrals to other physicians (specialists, surgeons) and order appropriate imaging when required. Dr. Jones enjoys covering community athletes and athletic events locally, nationally and internationally.
Dr. Jones uses ultrasound guided techniques and interventions for diagnosing and treating a broad range of injuries. We also take a special interest in the overall management of Osteoarthritis providing our community members with education, medical interventions (injection therapy) and referrals when required to improve your overall physical well-being.
What is the Cost of a Sports Medicine Appointment?
To see Dr. Jones you will need a referral from your family doctor or, if you are already seeing one of our allied health professionals (physiotherapists, chiropractor, massage therapist or kinesiologist) at Georgian Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy they can potentially reach out to your family doctor on your behalf. Most of our Sports Medicine services are covered by OHIP.
How can Sports Medicine Help my Overall Health?
If you want to become more physically active but painful joints are holding you back, sports medicine may help. If you are already athletic but suffer from an injury, we can help. If you have been exercising and active for a long time but things start to become painful or wear out, we can help. If you are pregnant, have complex medical disease (osteoarthritis or arthritic family diagnosis), are a young still growing athlete, we can help you be and stay active.
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